Monday, March 24, 2014

Pro Networking Tip #2: Have a Sandwich Introduction

Trout Payment Systems- 3.24.2014

Pro Networking Tip #2: Have a Sandwich Introduction

Most chamber of commerce functions or networking groups I am a part of have events where attendees take turns giving a quick 30 second to 1 minute introduction on their business. It is usually obvious which people are new to the game of networking and public speaking because they struggle to deliver an introduction. Some of these folks are highly qualified and have decades of experience in their vocation, but nonetheless, sales, marketing, and public speaking are new to them.

Fortunately, giving a short introduction that communicates the highlights of your business in a memorable way is a task that nearly anyone can accomplish if they follow a simple format known as the “Sandwich Introduction”.

Whether it is a club sandwich, a subway sandwich, or a bahn mi sandwich, which by the way is my favorite, the meal is typically defined by having a meat held in between two pieces of bread. Yes, there can be lettuce, pickles, onions, and other condiments to add flavor, but the substance, such as pastrami or shredded beef, is what fills you up and the bread is there as a convenient edible packaging.
A “Sandwich Introduction”, like it’s tasty namesake, has a similar format. The “bread” is your name and the name of your business. The “meat” is the description of your firm, product, services and target customer. The “flavor” or “condiments” is your hook, or some kind of memorable one liner that sticks in people’s heads. 

“My name is Napoleon Butic, and I am the owner of Trout Payment Systems. We hook Houston area businesses up with the best deals and service on credit card and debit card processing services. We have competitive rates, free equipment, and month to month no termination fee service plans so if you don’t like what we do, you can cut us loose and throw us back. This week I’m looking to work with companies using Quickbooks to do their processing as they are overpaying for processing. Once again my name is Napoleon Butic with Trout Payment Systems.”

The most important part of that introduction is my name, followed by the name of my company. I gave a general description of what I do, and threw in some puns to help people remember me. Notice that I’m not trying to overload people with too much information or try and close the sale. All I am trying to do is get people to remember me, and at best case look to talk to me during the mix and mingle portion of the event.

Before going to a networking event, script and rehearse your sandwich introduction so that you can deliver it effortlessly. Try it out on some people and see what they think, and make adjustments as needed. Rehearse your intro a few times in the car before going to the event so the words will be loaded into your head, put a smile on your face, and you should be ready to go!

Napoleon Butic is the CEO and founder of Trout Payment Systems, a merchant services provider focused on hooking Houston area businesses up with the best deals and service on debit/credit card processing. For more information visit  or like our Facebook Page.

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