Thursday, April 3, 2014

Pro Networking Tip #6: Invest In a Name Badge

Pro Networking Tip #5: Invest In a Name Badge

The most important thing that you want people to remember about you is your name.  The next thing that you want them to remember, at least in a professional networking context, is your company and what you do. 

This is why, as explained earlier in an earlier post, you want to have a sandwich introduction scripted.
Most networking events have paper name tags that you can write on and attach to yourself. That is fine, but those things are cheap and will often fall off. Wouldn’t you rather have a name tag that is customized on a nice sturdy piece of metal or plastic, with your name in nice easy to see font, and your company logo front and center? A well designed name tag will make you more visible and memorable than a paper tag, and in a room of several dozen people, those small differences start to add up. Make sure that your name tag is readable from 15-20 feet away, possibly more, and you will make it easier for people to approach you.

Another subtlety that was taught to me by a fellow networker is that you should wear your nametag on your right side if you are right handed. This way, when you shake hands it is on the side closest to the person you are meeting.

A lady in one of my networking groups runs a sign company and likes to say that a businesses without a sign, is a sign of no business. She also has some stats that show the traffic differences between stores with a good sign vs those with a crappy one.  At a networking event, your name badge is your sign, so put yourself in the best position to attract business and shell out some cash for a nice custom name badge.

Napoleon Butic is the CEO and founder of Trout Payment Systems, a merchant services provider focused on hooking Houston area businesses up with the best deals and service on debit/credit card processing. For more information visit  or like our Facebook Page.

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