Friday, March 28, 2014

Pro Networking Tip #4: The Buddy System: Networking Teamwork

It’s pretty easy to spot people who feel awkward about not knowing anybody at a networking event. They are usually standing around on their own, making extra trips to the bar or food line, or standing on the periphery of the action. They may even be on their phones scrolling through messages, reading news, or playing Angry Birds. Some may even start calling people to look busy. I should know, because I’ve done all of the above, especially when I was just starting out.  Even as a social person with more than decade of sales under my belt, I still feel a little bit coy when I am at an event where I really don’t know anyone.

One easy way to boost your networking success is to bring a networking buddy, preferably one who is  social and can bring talking points. A quick personal example in my case was that of a recent US Mexico Chamber of Commerce event.   I knew that many members would be Spanish speaking as this chamber focuses on Mexican businesses looking to expand, set up shop, or do business in one way shape or form in the US.  Aside from naughty words and ordering a beer, my Spanish is limited, so I invited a friend of mine who was fluent and also interested in the event. At the event I actually met a CPA who does lots of cross border business who also owns a number of local restaurants that was interested in my services.

With the buddy system you have to make yourselves approachable, and work as a team to meet people of interest.  If you and your buddy stand face to face talking with one another and ignoring the rest of the crowd, that does not invite conversation from others. If, however, you stand side by side in the middle of the crowd engaging in light banter but extend a handshake and a smile to those around you,  that could easily make you the life of the party.  Sometimes you will need to approach people of interest as a team, especially when a lot of other people are jockeying for their attention such as when a high ranking executive or a politician are in attendance.

If you are a bit more advanced, you and your networking buddy could work the room by splitting up to approach different groups and individuals. Then you and your buddy can introduce the people that you just met, and if appropriate introduce some more people to them thereby increasing your visibility at the venue. 

Working alone, you may only meet 5 people of interest, but working as a team you get a multiplier effect which can help you make a connection with 15 people. One last thing, if you are “rolling deep” and have an entire army of networking friends, it’s a good idea to split into smaller groups to maximize your coverage.
Networking, once again, is about expanding your sphere of influence, and what better way to demonstrate your capability as a social connector than actually demonstrating it at a networking function.

Napoleon Butic is the CEO and founder of Trout Payment Systems, a merchant services provider focused on hooking Houston area businesses up with the best deals and service on debit/credit card processing. For more information visit  or like our Facebook Page.


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