Monday, June 1, 2015

The Houston Crowdfunding Roundtable

Thursday, June 25th 2015 at Giulietta Sociale 5:30-7:00 pm, followed by networking reception

$25 in advance | $35 day of the event | REGISTER NOW (Very Limited Seating)

Trout Payment Systems is proud to present Houston's very first seminar focused exclusively on locally based crowdfunding firms. Whether you are seeking funding, are looking for investment/lending plays, or are just interested in this cutting edge industry, this seminar will provide a wealth of information and contacts.

Websites like Kickstarter, IndieGoGo, and GoFundMe have helped popularize crowdfunding as a means for sourcing funds directly from donors, investors, and lenders over the internet. As a whole, the crowdfunding industry raised $16.2 billion in 2014, a 167% increase over the $6.1 billion raised in 2013 and shows no signs of slowing down.

The potential for growth as both a funding source and an investment platform within the state of Texas will likely accelerate. Our carefully selected Houston based panel of experts will discuss fundamental aspects of crowdfunding and how it could be of benefit to local business owners, entrepreneurs, and investors.


5:30-6:00 pm Check in and open networking.

Introductory remarks by Napoleon T. ButicTrout Payment Systems

6:00-7:00 An Introduction to Crowdfunding: A Source of Capital, An Investment Opportunity, A Nascent Industry
Panelists: Eugene Kim, VP of Strategy and General Counsel, NextSeed, Philip Racusin, CEO,EnergyFunders, Donald F. McGraw II, President, Crowdlender

7:00-8:00 Networking Reception.

This event is ideal for:
* Investors
* Entrepreneurs
* Small business owners
* Start ups
* Business service providers such as Accountants,Bankers, Business Brokers,Business Lawyers,Business Investors,Commercial Real Estate Brokers,HR & Payroll Firms,IT Consultants,Insurance and more!

Registration Fees :

Registration BEFORE 6/25 $25 | Day of event $35


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